Good Charlotte at Boston HOB

March 25, 2017

Good Charlotte played at the House of Blues in Boston recently. It was very exciting for me, this being my first time shooting in a bigger venue and all. Getting to go right up to the stage to snap shots of the band playing was awesome. I'd always seen the photographers in action while I watched from the audience hoping to one day be up there shooting too, and now finally I was. In addition to shooting at the front of the stage, I was also able to go on the side to get some really cool shots of the crowd. At the beginning of the show a letter was thrown on stage by a fan. It said they have been a fan of GC's music since they were a teenager and it helped them all throughout their life including two tours in the military. It was a very sweet moment and I was able to get some genuine shots of the twins, specifically the guitar player, Benji, reading the letter and thanking the fan for their service. Another memorable point in the show was when the second guitar player, Billy, cut his finger and the band aid wouldn't stay on so it kept flopping around. There are some photos of him and the drummer, Dean, laughing about it! Those are the things I love to photograph...spontaneous moments or mishaps that show everyone is just a regular person, no matter if they are famous or not.




**All photos are © 2017 Ashley Eileen Photography** 

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