All Maternity Shoots Should End With Ice Cream!

June 21, 2018

Alison and Jerry are expecting their sweet Loretta in just over a week. You probably remember their baby shower from my last post. Well today we are showcasing their bun in the oven with their Maternity Shoot. We went to the beach and did some shots of just Alison early in the day and it was the perfect morning. The water wasn't too cold and the air was warm. We were surrounded by nature and wildlife. Butterflies and dragonflies, loons singing to each other and a fawn that swam from one side of the pond to the beach where we were to meet up with it's mother! We were like Snow White up in this place! Later in the day Jerry joined where he and Alison lounged on the beach and frolicked in the sand. Jerry is always joking around so a lot of the photos were of the couple laughing at each other, which made for some very sweet photos. You can tell they are going to be great parents that will shower their little girl with love, music and fun! After the beach we headed to the Sandwich Creamery in Sandwich, NH. They sell delicious homemade ice cream, cheese and milk that they make right there on the farm, along with farm fresh eggs. All their products are delicious and I try to stop by whenever I'm in the that neck of the woods. After taking some shots there we visited the baby goats before enjoying some ice cream of our own. It was the perfect way to cool down after shooting in the hot sun.


Location: Sandwich Creamery

**All photos are © 2018 Ashley Eileen Photography** 

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