Hang out with the Gorrell's on the beach!

December 22, 2019

It was a beautiful sunny Saturday when I did the Gorrell's family photoshoot at the ocean. The sun was trying its hardest to warm up the beach for us which helped. Michael, who is three, had no problem staying warm as he was non-stop running around and exploring the whole time...oh and he also was a dinosaur. A T-Rex to be specific, who loved to roar! Little Marie (who also joined in on the dino roaring a couple times) had it a little harder keeping warm because she can't walk yet, but mom and dad, Kate and Zach, did a great job keeping her all bundled up in blankets and an adorable winter hat! She was a trooper the whole time. The family brought their two pups with them as well and they loved having free rein of the beach. They ran around with Michael a lot and explored their own parts of the beach. Eventually it got too cold for Marie so dad took her to the car to warm up. Mom stayed with Michael to adventure a little longer and I captured some really sweet photos of the two of them. Enjoy the Gorrell's and their very own T-Rex in all it's glory below!

**All photos are © 2020 Ashley Eileen Photography**

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