Katie's Bridal Shower

December 15, 2017

Katie's bridal shower took place in the lakes region area of New Hampshire at the end of this past summer. If she looks familiar to you it might be because I did her and her fiancé, Trevor's, engagement session back in May! You can enjoy that post by clicking here. All day Katie was surrounded by family and friends while Trevor played paintball with his own group. Katie is a very sweet and goofy girl. Much like her fiancé she is constantly joking around. Her three sisters share these same personality traits and provided lots of humorous entertainment while opening gifts and playing games, such as What's In Your Purse. Trevor, along with some of his team-mates, showed up towards the last hour of the shower, so he took part in opening the rest of the gifts as well as a Couples Quiz game with Katie. The happy couple did pretty well with the quiz, but I am not sure how Trevor's team did in paintball...he's got some pretty gnarly bruises! Despite the possible loss on the paintball course, it was a fun day filled with great food, laughter and lots of love. 


**All photos are © 2017 Ashley Eileen Photography** 

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